Website & Membership
Website & Membership
We provide the best nutritional supplements, health foods, and personal care products from Asia to customers all over the world. We are the sole distributor of Sheng-pu Pharmaceutics formulations created by Dr. Sheng-pu Lee, Taiwan’s famous Chinese Medicine doctor. Fore more details, please visit “About Us“
SP Rewards is a free membership rewards system that offers discounts and reward points for shopping with us. Members will also receive health related newsletters and special offer promotions exclusive to members only.
In appreciation of our customers, SP Rewards offers points for each purchase from our website. Members can also earn points for referring friends or leaving product reviews. Membership is free to join without expiry. For details, please refer to “SP Rewards points” and “SP Referral“
Sheng-pu Health & Wellness catalog is our bi-monthly heatlh magazine sent to our members in the United States. The catalog is currently available in Chinese only. To sign-up to receive the magazine, please visit our “Magazine sign-up” page.
It’s a Lunar calendar magazine we print every year and offered for free to our customers. In addition to providing information for the coming year, the catalog is full of Dr. Lee’s insights, health articles, and chinese medicine information. Lunar calendars are shipped for free with every order placed with us!
You may contact us with questions or suggestions online or by telephone 7 days a week, 24 hrs/day. Please write to us online or call our toll free number: 1-866-518-8899.