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When a cold snap hits, it may not affect young people, but older people need more attention. Chinese medicine often refers to qi and blood, the body’s qi must be set outside the skin, meaning that qi must be radiated to the skin outside. Therefore, if there is a lack of Qi and blood, and if the external temperature is too low, cold will easily invade the skin, joints or organs of the body, into the body’s organs means that the situation is very serious, while most of the invasion of joints and tissues is a relatively minor condition. Therefore, it is necessary to wear warm clothes and pay attention to keeping warm when sleeping. As a senior, you should pay more attention to your elders, observe whether they are wearing warm clothes, help them cover up when sleeping, or observe their complexion and take care of them. People should protect themselves and pay more attention when cold snap hits. Sometimes, negligence may result in the regret of eternal separation, or even pain, degeneration of joints, or even facial nerve disorders.

In addition, when the temperature changes too much, the lungs, nose and other respiratory organs should also be more protective, because when the human body breathes, the air must have heat to protect these organs, if the lungs are not strong enough, in addition to strengthening nutritional supplements, you can also take products to nourish the lungs and Qi. In addition, many people become easily cold after the degeneration of the joints, so in addition to keeping warm, it is also necessary to take products to strengthen the muscles and bones.

From the standpoint of Chinese medicine, the Chinese people have had a set of knowledge about protecting the body for 5,000 years. The knowledge handed down by our ancestors may not be known by everyone, but more and more people around the world are becoming concerned about Chinese culture, especially in the area of Chinese medicine. In the case of Chinese medicine, it is not on the effects of the medicine itself, but on restoring the body’s original energy and vitality. Famous Chinese medicine doctor Dr. Sheng-Pu, Lee has some diabetic patients who do not want to take Western medical treatment because Western medical treatment has no cure for diabetes, but they have gotten good results after using Chinese medicine. This is how Chinese medicine can help restore the body’s function. Delaying the aging of the function and keeping the autonomic system functioning normally are the most important goals of Chinese medicine. Life is self-disciplined, and once a person reaches an elderly age or after middle age, the autonomic nervous system will be the first to degenerate, such as not being able to sleep when one should, or easily dozing off when sitting. In addition, some patients with kidney deficiency often have a phrase or a song that keeps circling in their minds. People who have this phenomenon should also pay attention to whether their bodies have degenerated.

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Originally from:
Health Chinatimes/Director of Sheng-Pu Chinese Medicine Clinic/Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee

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