
Trilogy of Hepatitis, Cirrhosis and Liver Cancer – Traditional Chinese medicine can treat

“Hepatitis, cirrhosis, and liver cancer”, a trilogy of liver diseases, can be effectively treated with Chinese medicine! According to the latest research conducted by the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), the University of Southern California (USC) and other foreign universities, the traditional liver nutrition prescriptions and liver pills commonly used in Chinese medicine are indeed effective in treating chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis and even end-stage liver cancer, and scientific research has confirmed the effectiveness of Chinese medicine on liver diseases.

The American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD) recently held its annual meeting in Boston, U.S.A., at which the latest research report on Chinese medicine for liver health was released. This is the second research report recognizing the effectiveness of Chinese medicine in the treatment of liver disease since the research results were presented three years ago at the conference in Kobe, Japan. Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee, a Chinese medicine practitioner who participated in the study, has more than 40 years of clinical treatment experience and knows that Chinese medicine is effective in the treatment of liver disease, including fatty liver, liver dysfunction, violent hepatitis, chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis and even liver cancer and end-stage liver cancer, but it is often not considered formal medicine.

Not only in Taiwan, but also in Europe and the U.S. Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee said with emotion that traditional Chinese medicine is not accepted by the mainstream medical community, simply because Chinese medicine, which inherits the wisdom of 5,000 years of Chinese ancestors, is generally considered to lack a scientific evidence base.

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But is this the reality? Is Chinese medicine really unscientific? Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee cited his own clinical experience in the treatment of liver disease and the use of liver remedies as an example. For more than 40 years, countless patients have used liver remedies and then returned to Western medicine to undergo equipment tests, and the results of the test reports came out, and the test figures confirmed that the disease had improved and the treatment was effective. This is scientific evidence.

From Kobe, Japan to this year’s Liver Institute in Boston, the results of the studies presented confirmed the effectiveness of Chinese medicine in treating liver disease. The mechanism of Chinese medicine also affects the cells, proving once again that the treatment methods passed down from ancient times in Chinese medicine are true and can benefit more people from the trilogy of chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis and liver cancer.

Modern medicine has yet to find a medicine which can effectively treat liver cirrhosis, but Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee said that Chinese medicine may be the answer to this question. With a focus on prevention, Chinese medicine focuses on improving the immune system and restoring the body’s immune system. The biggest difference between Chinese medicine and Western medicine is that Chinese medicine does not work to kill viruses, unlike Western medicine, which destroys good cells in the body in the process of eliminating viruses. On the contrary, the gentle nature of Chinese medicine reduces side effects and harm during the treatment process. It is also good for the qi and blood, and strengthens the immunity against diseases. Chinese medicine treatment does not need to be based on the diagnosis of Western medicine, but can use the testing results of Western medicine to confirm the results of treatment to the patient, which is the scientific evidence of Chinese medicine.

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Originally from:
Health Chinatimes/ Reporter Xue-Hua Wang reports 2010.11.24

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