
The unique Taiwan wild grape can regulate blood pressure! TMU develops a full plant-based formula for technology transfer to manufacturer

Modern life stress significantly affects physiological functions, including posing a direct threat to individual health through increased blood pressure. Taipei Medical University, after years of research on the “Vitis thunbergii var. taiwaniana (Taiwan Wild Grape)” discovered its blood pressure-regulating properties. They developed a comprehensive plant-based formula using key active components – resveratrol and its derivatives – alongside chrysanthemum, cassia seeds, mulberry leaves, among others, to regulate blood pressure.

In recent years, the research team at Taipei Medical University successfully transferred their technological advancements to manufacturers through a cooperative project with the Council of Agriculture. This achievement in commercializing research outcomes aligns with their commitment to safeguarding public health. Professor Ching-Chiung Wang from the School of Pharmacy at Taipei Medical University, who led the agricultural-industrial project, expressed the significance of this accomplishment on the research front. She thanked all those involved for their efforts in transforming research completed a decade ago into a practical and consumable health product today.

What is the Vitis thunbergii var. taiwaniana? What are the health benefits of this unique Taiwanese native species?

The Vitis thunbergii var. taiwaniana (Taiwan Wild Grape), commonly known as Taiwanese native species of Vitis thunbergii, also referred to as small-leaved or small-sized wild grape, appears smaller compared to typical grapes. Taipei Medical University has conducted extensive research and development on the health benefits of this unique Taiwanese native species.

Professor Ching-Chiung Wang highlighted that since 2007, the team has focused on developing preventive health products related to this Taiwanese native species of Vitis thunbergii. They have continued researching metabolic syndrome, neuroprotection, joint protection, among other aspects. In 2010 and 2012, Professor Wen-Chi Hou led the team and published studies confirming the blood pressure-regulating activity of this unique Taiwanese native species of Vitis thunbergii in several prominent journals.

Professor Wang further noted that laboratory studies revealed additional health effects of this particular grape variety beyond blood pressure regulation. These effects include weight reduction, blood sugar regulation, neuroprotection, anti-inflammatory properties, joint protection, primarily due to its key component, resveratrol, along with other specific elements such as resveratrol tetramers like hopeaphenol and resveratrol dimers like ε-viniferin, found within the Taiwanese native species of Vitis thunbergii.



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The Taipei Medical University collaborated with the agricultural authority to develop a comprehensive formula for regulating blood pressure by combining Vitis thunbergii var. taiwaniana with three other components

herefore, from 2020 to 2021, Taipei Medical University engaged in an industry-academic partnership program with the Agricultural Committee has brought about a comprehensive formula for regulating blood pressure by combining Taiwan’s unique Vitis thunbergii with Cassia Seed, Chrysanthemum Flower, and Mulberry Leaf. This formulation follows the concept of traditional Chinese medicine’s hierarchy of “Jun-Chen-Zuo-Shi (monarch, minister, assistant and guide),” where the Jun (monarch) component, the indigenous Small-leaved Mountain Grape, is enhanced by the Chen (minister) components Cassia Seed and Chrysanthemum Flower, along with the Zuo (assistant) herb Mulberry Leaf. Each element contributes to the effectiveness in regulating blood pressure, displaying a synergistic effect.

Professor Wang explained that Cassia Seed and Chrysanthemum Flower were chosen due to their recognition in China as auxiliary ingredients for regulating blood sugar and blood pressure in health food.

Moreover, the research team discovered that Mulberry Leaf not only aids in blood pressure regulation but also affects blood lipids, blood sugar, and inflammation. Through experiments conducted on hypertensive rats, it was confirmed that this formula, when used in doses of 150-200mg/kg, exhibited significant blood pressure regulation effects. This translates to a recommended human dosage of 1.5-2g per day.

The successful technology transfer of this formula to a manufacturer marks the culmination of the collaboration between Taipei Medical University and the agricultural authority. Professor Wang Ching-Chi mentioned that the current application of the comprehensive plant extract is categorized as a functional health supplement. However, there are plans to seek certification as a health food or explore its potential as a new drug for managing metabolic syndrome through human trials.

Regarding the research and development concerning Taiwan’s unique Vitis thunbergii, Professor Wang stated that they have secured a patent for its neuroprotective properties. Future research endeavors will focus on brain neuroprotection and anti-aging effects.

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Originally from:
Healthnews/ Reporter Yee-Wen Wu reports


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