
The profession that pushes limits – here’s the secret to maintaining health

We often hear people say, “I’m working too hard, almost burning out! I’m exhausted!” According to a survey, the top ten industries in Taiwan experiencing burnout are engineers, healthcare professionals, drivers, public safety workers, security personnel, entertainment industry, construction, convenience store employees, content editors, and individuals in the arts. Are you on the list? Based on traditional Chinese medicine, the liver represents a commanding officer, devising strategies; and to take care of this liver general in our body, there are ways. Let’s explore the wellness secrets from liver care experts!

Resting the mind completely is essential for cultivating wisdom

Referred to as the “father of liver pills,” Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee, a Traditional Chinese Medicine doctor, suggests focusing solely on work during working hours. When resting, avoid carrying work-related thoughts, allowing the brain to completely relax. Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee shares instances where patients excessively prepare before appointments, causing unnecessary stress. Many people, due to inadequate rest, keep their minds constantly occupied, which is unnecessary. Embrace the concept of rest in your mindset, allowing the brain to relax fully. Utilize sleep time adequately; without complete rest, wisdom cannot flourish.

The mind needs metabolic renewal; complete relaxation allows for a fresh start

“Life needs renewal,” emphasizes Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee, pointing out that metabolism involves not only eating and excretion but also ensuring proper mental relaxation. Daily efforts towards mental relaxation are vital since it enables a reset of the brain. The brain is the body’s command center, and thoughts are its directives. If the brain remains in a constant state of readiness, the body, as its loyal servant, cannot relax. Complete mental relaxation brings clarity, sometimes leading to sudden inspiration—an indication that the brain has found motivation and new ideas. When the brain relaxes, the entire body follows suit, ensuring complete relaxation leads to complete rest.

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Liver fatigue can lead to sluggish thinking, and a slower reaction doesn’t necessarily mean dementia

Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee, a TCM practitioner, further notes that when the liver isn’t in good shape, eyes may tire, and thinking can become sluggish. What some perceive as dementia in the elderly might actually be a result of a mind not properly resting, lacking relaxation and calmness. When speaking to someone, if they don’t respond immediately, it might take a moment for them to process and react. It indicates mental fatigue, where thoughts cannot quickly engage in conversation. Aging doesn’t necessarily equate to cognitive decline, but if not managed properly, the probability of cognitive decline might increase. Aging is a systemic issue related to blood production, high blood oxygen levels, and brain degeneration due to inadequate oxygen supply. It might not always be dementia but potentially liver fatigue causing mental weariness and slower responses.

Liver inflammation and kidney deficiency syndromes might provoke impatience and quick temper

There are cases where individuals experience liver inflammation or kidney deficiency syndromes, causing irritability and a short fuse. Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee explains that those experiencing liver inflammation or kidney deficiency syndromes might become impatient, irritable, and lack patience. It signifies real internal fatigue. An overactive liver can affect bodily functions such as digestion, metabolism, synthesis, and detoxification. If routines, diet, and hormonal balance are disrupted, it can burden the liver. Poor sleep, constant anger, eye soreness, dizziness, and other issues might surface. Therefore, understanding the importance of rest is crucial.

Excessive fatigue leading to sudden liver failure and unexpected death is related to autonomic nervous system imbalance

Reports of sudden liver failure due to excessive fatigue leading to unexpected deaths are related to insufficient rest and autonomic nervous system imbalance. Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee emphasizes the role of the autonomic and voluntary nervous systems. Instances of bleeding, such as in hemorrhagic strokes where blood leaks outside the vessels, are linked to an imbalance in the autonomic nervous system’s control. If the voluntary nervous system is overused, the autonomic nervous system becomes exhausted. Clinical cases of sudden liver rupture causing bleeding during bowel movements or vomiting blood might indicate imminent venous rupture. If fatigued and angry, such vessels might rupture. Therefore, it’s crucial to treat oneself well, rest adequately, maintain harmony in interpersonal interactions, reducing the risk of bodily harm.

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Originally from:
Healthnews/ Reporter Ka-Ching Kwan reports

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