
Pay attention to sleep habits away from allergy worries

This wave of obvious temperature changes, allergic diseases can be said to be the most frequent symptoms at present. Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee, a Chinese medicine doctor, said that from the diet of modern people, it is observed that some people have polarized climate in the human body, for example, people who often have stuffy nose and sneezing at night, or asthma patients, should pay attention to whether they have the bad habit of kicking the blanket.

“Some people have normal nasal congestion, allergies and shortness of breath once they kick the blanket,” said Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee. One of the reasons for this is that the nutrients in the body are not highly decomposed and burned, so the body is afraid of heat and feels irritable when the blanket is put on. Then I inadvertently kicked off the blanket, but my nose and trachea were afraid of the cold. Therefore, when the blanket is kicked off, although your body feels cooler and more comfortable, your nose and airways will not be able to take it, and your allergy symptoms will recur.

From a Chinese medicine point of view, allergies are caused by a poor heat dissipation system. Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee pointed out that the nose is the largest heat dissipation organ in the human body, followed by the skin, which requires a large amount of water vapor to evaporate. If there is a lot of water vapor evaporating from the nasal mucosa, the nose accounts for one-third of the body’s heat dissipation, and the whole head accounts for as much as 45% of the body’s heat dissipation. Therefore, the head and neck do not need to be covered with clothing like the body does. The healthier a person is, the less he or she needs to wrap a head scarf, wear a hat or tie a scarf. When a person finds that headache, allergy, cough and nasal congestion occur without a head and neck cover, he or she should first pay attention to whether the efficiency of the liver’s nutrient combustion and decomposition has deteriorated, and then observe whether the heat produced by the colon is insufficient.

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Chinese medicine doctor Sheng-Pu Lee also put forward the concept of clarification, such as asthma patients feel stuffy breathing, gas can hardly breathe, many patients’ first reaction is to breathe hard, want to inhale air, or nasal congestion people breathe through the mouth, these are wrong actions! Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee said that many people with bad noses are difficult to cure because they do not understand the reasoning behind it, “When the nose is blocked, it is best not to breathe”, to close the air for a few dozen seconds to let the temperature of the lungs rise, the nasal mucosa appears water vapor, the nose will naturally stretch and open, so the nasal cavity can not stretch is because there is not enough air inside.

Many people who suffer from nasal congestion choose to have their nasal polyps removed or burned off, which is basically against the body’s natural mechanism. The function of nasal polyps is to respond to the temperature of the lungs, and when the temperature of the lungs is not enough, the nasal polyps will swell up, just like windows and doors. Once the lung temperature rises, it goes down, responding to the effect of heat and air in the body.

Therefore, the treatment of nasal disease must restore the body’s overall mechanism, teaching how to diet and appropriate exercise, so that the nose is cured, the body is also healthy. Avoid steroid treatment, although you can receive immediate results, but the side effects are absolutely no benefit to the body in the long run, it is a solution to the symptoms but not the root cause.

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Originally from:
Health Chinatimes/ Reporter Xin Zhao reports 2008.11.17

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