
Nourish your liver to enhance your resistance to disease and not panic in the face of influenza

With the spread of the H7N9 avian influenza epidemic in China and the death of a new coronavirus infection in the Middle East, countries are upgrading their epidemic prevention measures and dare not be careless. Although the virus continues to mutate, the death rate has increased, but why some people are infected upon contact, but some people are not infected at all? The reason for this is intriguing.

Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee, director of the Sheng-Pu Chinese Medicine Clinic, said that the long-term abuse of drugs, excessive diet, lack of exercise, lack of sleep, etc., all cause liver function is impaired, is the main reason for reduced resistance and weakness. The public should start with diet, exercise, sleep and other daily habits to avoid the crisis caused by the influenza virus, more free from the threat of fatalities.

According to Chinese medicine, “the liver is the hub”. Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee explained that the liver is like a regulator between the body’s organs, in charge of the growth of the body’s tissue kinetic energy and gasification capacity. The liver provides the body with quality metabolism, forming new cells and tissues and eliminating old ones. Once the liver lacks energy to maintain its function or if the burden on the liver increases, the metabolism will be reduced and the resistance will be poor, and the health will be alarmingly red.

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Many people like to take drugs is actually the most damaging behavior of the liver! Dr. Sheng-Pu  Lee pointed out that many people as long as there is a minor problem, take special antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve symptoms, which will make the body does not have the opportunity to activate the immune function, and over time, the external environment of various germs will lose the ability to resist. It is worth noting that special drugs will not only kill the virus, but also hurt normal tissues, and the liver, the body’s main defense organ, suffers the most.

In addition, uncontrolled diet, and do not like to exercise, such behavior is also very harmful to the liver. Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee explained that because exercise can promote sweating and excretion, help the liver metabolism, if the lack of exercise, the body is easy to accumulate toxins; intake of more food than the body needs, not only increase the burden of the liver to convert energy, consume the energy will not be stored in the body with fat, is the best nutrition bank when the virus invasion, therefore, many chronic diseases are related to obesity.

Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee further said that other bad habits, such as alcoholism, lack of sleep, will increase the burden on the liver, so that the liver does not have the opportunity to recuperate. Some people often stay up late, work long hours, so that the liver is unable to produce new energy to provide use, can only take out the old capital consumption, and over time will fall into a vicious cycle of liver weakness, resistance becomes weak, such people are more likely to suffer from influenza.

Chinese medicine is a way to regulate the liver’s function, starting with daily habits. In addition to moderate exercise and sweating every day, a balanced diet without excess, paying attention to the cleanliness of drinking water, and chewing slowly when eating can help the liver reach its optimal state and maintain a good metabolic function.

Some people in order to lose weight and fasting, and desperately exercise, in fact, such behavior will cause the liver to lack the energy needed to carry out metabolic work, the actual effect of fat consumption is limited, but will also increase the burden on the liver, resistance is thus reduced, increasing the chance of disease. Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee reminded that Chinese medicine that “winter does not hide the essence, spring will be sick plague”, that is, sexual intercourse should not be excessive, everything in life should be restrained, in order to nourish the liver to nourish the essence of the spirit, to create a strong resistance, you can face the flu with ease, without fear.

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Originally from: Chinesetimes Health
Chinesetimes Health/ Reporter Yu-Ren Wang reports 2013.05.27

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