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Can’t stop coughing? Long COVID lingering with a persistent cough? It could be a sign of weakened lung function!

a woman who got a cold, holding a cup to keeping worm

Coughing can be caused by viral or bacterial infections, colds, or environmental factors triggering allergies. If the infection is stubborn or combined with allergies, it usually takes longer to fully resolve the cough. However, if a chronic cough persists, Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee from Sheng-Pu Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic suggests that it might indicate an issue with lung function, not just a simple allergy or cold.

Colds and Allergies Both Cause Coughs—How to Differentiate and Treat?

Both colds and allergies can trigger coughing, but the treatment approach in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) differs for each, making proper diagnosis essential. According to Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee, one can distinguish between the two by examining the characteristics of the phlegm. Allergies typically produce clear or white phlegm, without yellow or thick sputum. Other symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, or difficulty breathing are also common with allergies. Colds, on the other hand, result from bacterial or viral infections, often producing colored, thicker mucus.

Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee points out that when allergies and colds are combined, cough treatment becomes more challenging. Allergies indicate a weakness in the body’s defenses, which makes it harder for the immune system to fight off infections. TCM focuses on strengthening immunity first before directly addressing the cough in patients dealing with both conditions.

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Persistent cough that won’t go away may indicate a problem with lung function, not just a simple cold or allergy

Persistent coughing may be a sign of underlying lung function issues, not just a simple cold or allergy. Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee explains that individuals with poor lung function often experience shortness of breath while walking, decreased lung capacity, weak breath, and persistent coughing with phlegm. This is commonly referred to as “chronic cough.” Many patients suffer from long-term coughs without finding effective treatment, leading to chest tightness, breathlessness, and difficulty breathing.

To address this, Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee and his research team have developed a medication specifically targeting lung function decline and chronic cough. This remedy helps improve lung capacity and function, offering relief from symptoms like cough, chest tightness, difficulty breathing, and sleep apnea.

Diet, environment, and regular exercise are key factors in lung health

However, maintaining lung health requires more than just treatment. Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee emphasizes the importance of a holistic approach, including paying attention to diet, exercise, and environmental factors like air quality. He suggests activities like hiking or walking in the early morning, when air pollution is lower, to breathe in fresh air and boost lung and cardiovascular health.

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Originally from:
Healthnews/ Reporter Yee-Wen Wu and Tsung-Hsien Lin report

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