
Herpes zoster nerve pain can be cured by external and internal application of traditional Chinese medicine

Herpes zoster, commonly known as “skin snake,” is an extremely difficult disease in the eyes of both doctors and patients. Not only does it easily recur when you are under stress, stay up late, are busy or have a low immune system, but the most troubling aspect of herpes zoster is the post-herpetic neuralgia, which can be so severe that some people can’t sleep at night. Many patients have been able to cure post-herpes neuralgia through a two-pronged approach using Chinese medicine, with external and internal applications.

Herpes zoster is caused by a filtering virus that invades the body’s tissues and nerve cells. When the body’s resistance decreases, groups of small blisters grow along the nerves, forming a band-like rash that looks like a long snake clinging to the skin, hence the common name “skin snake. In Chinese medicine, herpes zoster is also known as “fire band sores” because the skin is damaged and the blisters are arranged in strips. Among them, the ones that occur in the waist and the threat area are called “waist-wrapping fire pits”, while those that occur on the head and other areas are called “spider sores” and “snake sores”.

The sooner herpes zoster is treated, the fewer sequelae it will leave behind, but one of the most disturbing is nerve pain. The degree of neuralgia varies from person to person, ranging from mild itching and vague pain to severe pain that feels like burning or pins and needles, and in some cases, it can even be so painful that it interferes with daily life and makes sleeping difficult. Generally speaking, middle-aged and elderly patients (over 50 years old) are especially prone to severe neuralgia.

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A woman in her 60s who suffered from post-herpes neuralgia had shingles that grew from the top of her left head down to her temple and the hollow of her outer eyebrow, where the virus invaded the inside of her left eye, causing damage to the eye’s mucous membrane. Although the virus was quickly suppressed during the acute phase of herpes with the help of anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving medication, Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee, a Chinese medicine doctor, said the female patient suffered from severe neuralgia and could not even open her left eye when she was referred to a Chinese medicine doctor.

People often overlook the fact that Chinese medicine can be quite effective in treating herpes zoster, like this female patient, who was able to get rid of her nerve pain within a month or so by applying herbal powder mixed with rice wine to “pull out the toxins” and using herbs internally to “clear the toxins”.

Another case was a man in his fifties who had healed herpes zoster scars from his chest to his back, and from time to time he had pain. The recent hot summer weather, sweating furiously, the result of the back of the old affected area recurrence size of half the size of a ping-pong ball blisters, rushed to use Chinese herbal compresses, which prevented the deterioration. Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee said, unlike Western medicine, Chinese medicine emphasizes immunotherapy to improve the patient’s own immunity to achieve the purpose of treatment, so there are many Chinese herbs can help the body to remove toxins, so for chronic skin disease, atopic dermatitis or shingles such as special skin diseases, the treatment is good.

How to remove toxins from the body? Li Shenpu pointed out that Chinese medicine attaches importance to the adjustment of the gastrointestinal function, whether it is the accumulation of constipation over the years, or the growth of bad bacteria and viruses in the intestinal tract, all through the power of Chinese medicine to clear the fire and detoxification. When the toxins in the stomach and intestines and blood are cleared, the immune system will be strengthened and the body will be improved. In the case of herpes zoster, for example, the use of Chinese medicine is less likely to leave neuralgic sequelae.

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Originally from: Chinesetimes Health
Chinesetimes Health/ Reporter Jia-Wen Zhou reports 2010.07.21

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