
Heavy eyelids, difficulty breathing, and the desire to go to the toilet after meals are precursors to GERD

Do you want to doze off when your eyelids are heavy after eating? Feeling stuffy in the chest and having trouble breathing as soon as you finish the meal? When your stomach is full, you want to run to the toilet? Beware, these are the three warning signs of ” GERD” in the view of Chinese medicine practitioners. Do not want to suffer from “burning heart”, “overflowing red acid” painful taste, quickly correct your eating habits.

There are many reasons for a person’s symptoms of breathing difficulties, in addition to the commonly known heart and lung function problems, Chinese medicine doctor Sheng-Pu Lee pointed out that other parts, including the liver and kidney, gastrointestinal may be related, especially the problem of GERD, the gastrointestinal plays a more important role. He explained that when a person eats too much, in order to enhance digestion, blood will be concentrated in the stomach, resulting in insufficient blood to the heart or brain, so some people will be dizzy and want to sleep when eating a full meal, some people will have chest tightness or inhalation difficulties after eat a full meal, all because of eating too much, the brain, heart and lung blood Qi shortage, due to gastrointestinal factors and caused by the breathing problems.

Appetite to eat too much, eat too much is a common problem of modern people, especially after the age of 40, the gastrointestinal loosed, often do not know full, a meal is easy to eat too much, when you are young, your digestion is strong, but once you reach middle age, digestion becomes weaker, slower, excessive food all piled up in the stomach, the body secretion of gastric acid will sometimes reflux esophagus. Once the stomach acid reflux, it will burn the alkaline esophagus and trigger the gastroesophageal reflux commonly known as “heartburn”, which will intensify the uncomfortable symptoms and sometimes even reflux into the trachea, making the pain even worse.

Stomach acid reflux into the trachea is not only painful, but also very dangerous, Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee stressed, because the trachea is called “delicate organ” in Chinese medicine, which is actually a delicate organ that is very clean and cannot allow any foreign invasion, not even a drop of water. Imagine that even choking on water is very unpleasant, not to mention the highly corrosive stomach acid.

If you have too much acid secretion, just take stomach milk or stomach medicine to neutralize it? The general use of acidophilus to eliminate stomach bloating and chest tightness after eating a full meal is actually a very dangerous move. Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee said, just by eating acidophilus to neutralize stomach acid, but do not change the diet, reduce the amount of food, the symptoms will only remain, and reduce the acidic bactericidal environment of the stomach itself, once the invasion of mold, viruses, in the intestinal tract, a large number of breeding, easily lead to physical deterioration, leading to subsequent problems, including skin allergies, infections, etc., the loss is not worth it.

Want to get rid of these annoying problems, Chinese medicine is to focus on the gastrointestinal Qi must be smooth, if the food eaten in the gastrointestinal stagnation for too long, nutrition, heat to absorb, transport to the liver or the whole body, the speed will become slower, once the metabolism becomes slower, the heart and lungs will not get enough heat and blood, energy deficiency, on the contrary, the gastrointestinal Qi and blood, the problem will be solved naturally.

For those who have difficulty breathing when they have eaten, Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee suggests that it is best to eat less sweet, cold food, cheese and traditional pickles and marinated vegetables, especially the amount of food must be strictly controlled, do not stop eating only when you feel full, you must know how to reserve some space so that the secretion of stomach acid does not overflow, and walk at the right time after eating for 15 to 20 minutes to help improve the symptoms.

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Originally from:
Health Chinatimes/ Reporter Xue-Hua Wang reports 2011.01.18

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