
Heart Disease Is Not Just a Heart Problem! TCM Doctor Reveals “These” Are Also Related to Cardiovascular Health

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Chest tightness can often be an early warning sign of heart issues that shouldn’t be ignored. While Western medicine can assist in diagnosing and treating heart conditions, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) can also play a crucial role in improving heart health. Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee from Sheng-Pu TCM Clinic emphasizes that from a TCM perspective, heart disease is not just a problem with the heart. The kidneys, bones, and liver are all interconnected with heart health.

Heart Disease Is Not Just a Heart Issue: The Role of Kidneys, Bones, and Liver

The heart is responsible for circulating blood throughout the body, but Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee stresses that treatment shouldn’t focus solely on the heart’s function. Many heart diseases are triggered by problems elsewhere in the body. For example, the heart is closely linked to blood circulation, and blood production in the body originates from the bone marrow, which belongs to the kidney system. If the kidneys are deficient (“kidney deficiency”), this can impair blood production and lead to an insufficient blood supply.

As a result, the heart may gradually lose adequate blood supply, causing various symptoms. Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee points out that many heart disease patients experience chest tightness, a sensation of blockage in the throat, and shortness of breath. These symptoms are often due to insufficient kidney qi. When kidney qi is lacking, it can lead to chest tightness and, in some cases, feelings of anxiety and panic, known as “kidney deficiency syndrome.”

In addition to kidney and bone marrow issues, TCM also associates heart disease with liver function, as the liver is responsible for detoxification and metabolism. Therefore, TCM treatments often address the liver to improve heart health. Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee shares a case of a 79-year-old patient who was sent home from the hospital with no hope for recovery, and even a death certificate was prepared. However, by focusing on liver qi, the patient regained consciousness after taking the second dose of medicine and lived for another 10 years.

Should You See a TCM or Western Medicine Doctor for Heart Disease?

While there are cases where TCM treatments have successfully revived patients, this doesn’t mean that TCM is the only solution for heart disease. Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee states that Western medicine can diagnose issues such as cardiovascular narrowing, mitral valve prolapse, and tricuspid valve prolapse. If the heart has severe defects or blockages, Western medicine can directly address these issues by repairing defects or clearing blocked vessels. Both TCM and Western medicine have their strengths, and one is not necessarily superior to the other.

However, Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee believes that TCM’s holistic approach can be beneficial if heart issues are addressed early on. Early TCM intervention can help prevent further complications such as blockages and narrowing of the heart’s vessels. He also advises people to avoid extreme emotional stress, moderate their consumption of cold foods and alcohol, and engage in regular exercise. These are essential practices for preventing heart disease and maintaining heart health.

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Healthnews/ Reporter Yee-Wen Wu and  Tsung-Hsien Lin reports

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