
Chinese medicine focuses on bladder function, and the Dantian is related to physical health

The Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recently conducted a survey of 6,150 pregnant women nationwide and found that fatigue, frequent urination, and poor sleep were the most common discomforts during pregnancy. Frequent urination, urinary urgency, and urinary incontinence are serious problems for many postpartum women. In Western medicine, these symptoms may be related to overactive bladder, interstitial cystitis, or stress incontinence, but in Chinese medicine, they are closely related to the “Dantian”.

As the saying goes, “a child’s buttocks are full of energy”, which refers to a child’s vigorous growth capacity. Adequate energy in the body, in fact, the reason also applies to healthy adults. Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee, director of the Sheng-Pu Chinese Medicine Clinic, said that as long as the lower part of the body Dantian area with full energy source, the bladder will have enough power to store urine, can lock the urethra, naturally get rid of frequent urination, urinary incontinence trouble.

According to Chinese medicine, the main function of the bladder is to store water (urine), and it is normally able to control urination with the will, so the normal person does not feel its presence. If the bladder lacks energy, it will contract and become tense, and the weight of water will be noticeable with the slightest movement. Once the bladder power decreases and the organ ages, people can no longer control urination with their will, and problems such as frequent urination and incontinence will emerge.

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In Chinese medicine, the health of the bladder is related to the body’s anorectal, reproductive system, and the overall health of the lower body, once the bladder health have problems, the three will be involved. Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee explained that the bladder is located in the middle of the upper and lower body, is full of energy nerve meeting place, should be like a furnace fire, bring the body a constant flow of energy, if the furnace fire is not strong, the body’s gasification is not enough, it can not supply enough energy to all organs.

Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee further explained that if the bladder lacks energy, there will be frequent urination; anorectal lack of energy, there will be incontinent or impassable bowel problems; if the reproductive system lacks energy, not only the power of intercourse, in the process of intercourse is also easy to leak urine. Not only that, the bladder is not healthy, prone to urethritis, nephropathy, colon lesions, men have enlarged prostate gland problems; women’s postpartum weakness, if not well-trained, will make the lower body energy deficiency, resulting in urinary leakage, incontinence problems.

In addition to the Chinese medicine to improve the individual’s physique, the most important thing is to start from the development of good lifestyle habits. Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee suggested that the first should avoid stressful life, the bladder will have the opportunity to relax and stretch. Usually more practice with Dantian breathing, and a slight lifting of the anus meditation, the focus of attention on the lower abdomen, energy will also be gathered in the bladder, so that the bladder relaxation is not tightened, you can make strong urination, and improve bowel control ability.

It is worth noting that some people believe in the hearsay recipes, their own decoction to take to improve the problem, more than 40 years of experience in the treatment of Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee reminded that it is best to be diagnosed by a qualified Chinese medicine practitioner to prescribe a compound prescription for individual physique, in order to really prescribe the right medicine and treatment. In addition, the younger you start the better the results of physical conditioning, do not delay until the symptoms are severe before seeking treatment, which has been slow to meet the urgent.

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Originally from: Chinesetimes Health
Chinesetimes Health/ Reporter Xiao-Dong Yang reports 2013.05.20

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