
Five thousand years of wisdom in Chinese medicine, so that Chinese doctors can use the qi of the meridians to predict the exhaustion of the vital energy, early treatment of the meridians, replenish the vital energy. The vital energy of the five organs and six bowels is dispersed in the tops or limbs, so the lack of vitality in the limbs causes pain and numbness, the essence of the five organs and six bowels has failed.

Unlike Western medicine, Chinese medicine does not find out that the internal organs are sick until they are sick. Chinese medicine practitioners believe that a weakened essence starts to show energy deficiency in the areas where the meridians of the hands and feet pass through. Although the internal organs are still functioning normally, but the outside has no strength, Chinese medicine does not directly stop the pain, but to unblock the meridians, so often during the period of taking medicine, there is more pain. If people have sports injuries, limbs are not as strong as before or dizzy and have headaches, they often take painkillers without asking the reason, which will lead to increasing weakness of the internal organs and early failure of the internal organs. The correct approach is not to take painkillers first, but to find out which meridian is the cause of the pain, and then prescribe the right medicine.

People’s hands and feet have twelve meridians, together a total of 24 meridians, which is equivalent to the 24 seasons experienced by people a year. The human body’s five or six internal organs or six internal organs of the vital energy running in the hands and feet, Qi if the body can not meet the needs of the meridians, will certainly be found first from the meridians, from the corresponding meridians can know which organ of Qi is insufficient, this is what Chinese medicine called “the upper work to cure the disease”. How can we know the disease before we get sick? Even cure the disease? It sounds unbelievable, but Chinese medicine can really do it.

Chinese medicine practitioners find that the energy of the internal organs is insufficient due to the lack of qi in the 24 meridians, and thus replenish the internal organs, restore the vital energy of the meridians, and cure the exhaustion of the meridians. When the energy of the internal organs is sufficient, the vital energy of the meridians will be abundant again, and the pain in the hands and feet will be cured, and the fundamental treatment will be achieved. This is not pain relief or analgesia, but a way to slow down aging and increase the life span of the internal organs. This is the greatest characteristic of Chinese medicine and the crystallization of 5,000 years of Chinese wisdom.

In many cases, there is soreness in the hands and feet, and the energy and vitality of the internal organs are completely restored without the use of painkillers at all. During the treatment, some will be more painful, some have soreness and tingling, throbbing response. This proves that Chinese medicine is not a painkiller at all, but a supplemental energy to restore the function of the organs, so that the body’s limbs will be more powerful and resume the function of the internal organs.

Originally from:
Health Chinatimes/Director of Sheng-Pu Chinese Medicine Clinic/Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee

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