Healthy Growth for Your Baby, Traditional Chinese Medicine Doctor: Start with Proper Liver Care for Expectant Mothers

Modern people are marrying later and having fewer children, so successfully conceiving and raising a child with good physical and mental health is no easy task! Traditional Chinese Medicine doctor Sheng-Pu Lee, often referred to as the ‘Father of Liver-Nourishing Pills,’ has three sons and two daughters and eleven grandchildren, all of whom are outstanding. His descendants not only take good care of their health but also enjoy harmonious family lives. Drawing from his own experience, he advises that if you want to ensure your child’s physical and mental well-being, you should start with proper liver care during pregnancy!

Start Liver Care from Pregnancy: Healthy Moms Raise Strong and Smart Babies

Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee emphasizes that the womb is the nurturing cradle for life, providing the nutrients a child needs in the mother’s body. It’s also a miraculous chemical system within the human body. The health of the uterus is closely related to liver biochemistry, so if moms take care of their livers during pregnancy, their babies will be protected.

Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee shares that his own eleven grandchildren have mothers who began taking liver-nourishing traditional Chinese medicine during pregnancy. As a result, these children were born with well-developed brains, with no jaundice, and they didn’t cry much during infancy. They were easy to care for. As they grew up, they had good concentration, strong cognitive abilities, and excelled in their studies. Some of them even work at top tech companies like Microsoft and Google. The boys have robust physiques, with most of them exceeding 180 centimeters in height. The tallest grandson even grew to 194 centimeters and excels at basketball.

Nourishing the Liver for Physical Strength and Emotional Well-being

Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee points out that maintaining a healthy liver not only promotes physical strength and well-being but surprisingly, it also has a positive impact on emotions. The liver’s health can influence emotions. A healthy liver contributes to an improved physical environment, maintaining normal regulatory functions to enhance disease resistance. Those with an excessively active liver may be more prone to emotional restlessness.

Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee shares that his three daughters-in-law took liver-nourishing traditional Chinese medicine during pregnancy, and his grandchildren continue to do so. Their family is harmonious, and he’s never seen them argue. This is also related to their personal tolerance levels and good emotional well-being.

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The Father of Liver-Nourishing Pills, Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee, is widely acclaimed for his medical expertise. His reputation has reached far and wide, attracting foreign patients to Taiwan seeking his medical care

The Father of  Liver-Nourishing Pills, Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee, is renowned for his medical skills, with his title as the creator of liver-nourishing pills adding to his fame. Foreigners often seek medical treatment at his clinic. Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee shares that he recently had an American patient who not only came for a consultation but also took a bunch of liver-nourishing traditional Chinese medicine and cold medicine back to the United States. The high cost of medical treatment and the inconvenience of hospital visits in the United States make people opt for self-medication for non-urgent conditions. Not long ago, a patient from Europe traveled to Taiwan specifically to seek his treatment, and the family insisted on bringing several months’ worth of medicine back home.

The liver controls blood storage and regulates blood volume. After taking liver-nourishing herbal medicine, the hemoglobin levels returned to normal

In traditional Chinese medicine, maintaining a balance of Qi and blood is crucial, and the liver plays a significant role in storing and regulating blood. For pregnant women looking to nurture their unborn child, liver health is of paramount importance. Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee provides an example of a close friend whose wife suffered from severe anemia during pregnancy. She was initially advised to take iron supplements, but they were concerned that their child might be born darker in complexion. Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee recommended that she take traditional Chinese medicine to nourish her liver. After taking it for some time, she went for her prenatal check-up, and the nurse found that her hemoglobin levels had improved significantly, and her anemia had resolved. She later gave birth to three daughters and two sons, all of whom have excelled in various ways.

For pregnant women seeking to nurture their unborn child and unsure about how to select supplements or concerned about potential adverse effects, Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee suggests considering liver nourishment through traditional Chinese medicine. This approach can benefit both the mother and the unborn child.

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Originally from:
Healthnews/ Reporter Ka-Ching Kwan reports

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