
The hair on the head is like the wood on earth

In Chinese medicine, according to the wisdom of the five elements, liver is wood. The human hair, like the liver, does not have a nerve, so when the liver is sick, it does not react to the nerve numbness.

Because there is no nerve in the hair, the glory, prosperity and fall of the hair are often forgotten because they do not feel pain. The hair on the scalp reflects excessive fatigue and overuse of the brain. The glory of the liver is reflected in the quality of the hair and eyes. The liver does not have to be sick to lose hair, so it is necessary to take more rest at the right time and use Chinese medicine to maintain it.

A healthy liver gives you the energy you need to live life to the fullest!

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Originally from:
Health Chinatimes/Director of Sheng-Pu Chinese Medicine Clinic/Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee

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