
Control Acid Reflux Effectively With SP Chinese Medicine

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a chronic condition that affects the digestive system. Anyone can develop GERD, particularly those who may be overweight, pregnant, frequent smoker or taking certain medications including antihistamines, painkillers and antidepressants. While many people experience heartburn or indigestion from time to time, if you feel that burning sensation in your chest more than twice a week, you might have GERD.

GERD is caused by a slight malfunction with the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). When it works properly, it relaxes and opens when you swallow then tightens and closes afterwards. Acid reflux happens when your LES doesn’t close properly. This allows digestive juices and other contents from your stomach to rise into your esophagus. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, GERD is one of the most common gastrointestinal disorders, with a prevalence of approximately 20% of adults in western culture and an estimated 18.1% to 27.8% in the United States.

Treatment Options

behaviors.  They may also suggest taking over-the-counter medications like antacids.  According to Dr. Lee Sheng-Pu, antacids can actually have a negative impact on the body, as they tend to inhibit and suppress needed stomach acids which destroy food borne bacteria.  “Stomach acids,” says Dr. Lee, “are important for sterilization, effective digestion and overall nutrition absorption.  Antacids can greatly limit this process.”

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Treating GERD with Chinese Medicine

At times, making significant diet and lifestyle changes can be very difficult. During those times SP Digestive Powder can provide needed gastrointestinal and stomach relief, as well as reduce acid reflux symptoms. Formulated with natural Chinese herbs, SP Digestion Powder helps the body achieve optimal stomach and intestines gasification, which relieves uncomfortable feelings of fullness and bloating. Additionally, SP Digestive Powder helps reduce excess stomach acid, which left unchecked can lead to ulcers, reflux and internal bleeding, to name a few.

Sheng-Pu Health & Wellness is an advanced herbal Chinese medicine producer of medicinal products that effectively treat a wide range of common ailments. Founded by Dr. Sheng-Pu Lee in 1962, the company has expanded its reach around the globe. Sheng-Pu products have achieved global scientific community recognition through its US University of Southern California (USC) cooperation, and proudly operates a Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) facility which ensures that all Sheng-Pu products maintain efficacy and safety.


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Originally from:
Healthnews/ Reporter Ka-Ching Kwan reports

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